lørdag 26. mai 2007
Ord fra Helge
Trons fetter og nettredaktør i Dagbladet, Helge Øgrim, har skrivi en liten nekrolog. Tron var samtalepartner og refser, læremester og fantast, bølle og kamerat, skriver han.
En novelle
Tron har skrivi mye under pseudonymet Eirik Austey. Her er en science fiction-novelle han la ut på websida til Ingar Knutsen, vi synes den er verdt å lese. Jenta som døde.
Ord fra Jon M
Her er Jon Michelets nekrolog fra Klassekampen i sin helhet.
Min venn Tron
Tron Øgrim har lagt inn årene i livets båt, så altfor tidlig. For meg, som var hans venn siden tidlig 1970-tall, oppleves tapet av Tron som smertelig. Det tror jeg det gjør for mange andre, langt utenfor familien, vennekretsen og den politiske venstresida som Tron tilhørte. Jeg merket meg at internettleksikonet Wikipedia ved budskapet om Trons død flagget sin logo på halv stang. Leksikonet har mistet en av sine ressurspersoner og ivrigste frivillige bidragsytere.
Jeg skulle så inderlig gjerne sett at han hadde fått seile videre. Til Nepal! Sist vi møttes, for en drøy måned siden, samtalte vi om Nepal. Tron viste meg stolt det store knippet av innsiktsfulle artikler om Nepal som han hadde publisert på internett. Han hadde lenge planlagt en reise til dette himalayiske landet som bergtok ham. Jeg oppmuntret ham så sterkt jeg kunne til å skrive bok om Nepal. For en ukes tid siden var Tron innom reisebokhandelen Nomaden i Oslo og kjøpte detaljkart over Nepal.
Vi snakket også om en bok med Trons beste skriftstykker som han hadde tenkt kunne komme ut i anledning sekstiårsdagen hans nå i sommer. Så rakk han ikke å bli 60. Jeg håper likevel bokprosjektet vil bli noe av.
Spurt av radiokanalene Kulturnytt og Østlandssendingen, og av VG, om å si noe om Tron brukte jeg store ord. Jeg sa at han var en guru og et universalgeni. Dette står jeg fast ved.
For den forfattergenerasjonen jeg tilhører ble Tron en sentral figur. Ikke fordi han i kraft av sin posisjon i den marxist-leninistiske rørsla svingte partipisken over forfatterspirenes hoder, men fordi han var så kunnskapsrik på feltet litteratur og så djerv i diskusjonene om hva litteraturen skulle være. De forfatterne som møtte den unge, framfuse Tron Øgrim ble fanget inn av hans nærmest ubendige fantasi og idérikdom.
Fantasiene, idéene og visjonene til Tron hadde en solid bakgrunn i hans store hode. Ingen annen person jeg har hatt æren og gleden av å kjenne hadde en slik bredde og allsidighet i kunnskapene sine. Kanskje var det fordi han var en autodidakt. Formell utdanning hadde Tron fint lite av. Han lærte seg sjøl, og ble så en læremester.
Vår vennskap ble for alvor smidd da vi sammen var med i pionértida da Oktober forlag – som Tron var en av initiativtakerne til – skulle bygges opp, og kjeden av Oktober-bokhandler strekkes ut over det ganske land.
Det var en stor tanke, og en praktisk og politisk utfordring. Jeg kom inn i det som praktikeren med styrmannserfaring. Tron var ideologen. Oktober delte trykkeri og samarbeidet nært med Klassekampen, som skulle ta spranget til å bli ukeavis, og der vi begge bidro.
Så brast mange av våre politiske drømmer for Norge og verden (men både Oktober og Klassekampen overlevde, på magisk vis.)
Jeg følte i mange år at jeg var en skipbrudden på ideologienes hav. Der jeg, og mange med meg, befant oss uten visjoner, hadde Tron en hemmelig styrke. Han så nye visjoner, og talte og skrev om dem slik at han fikk en stjernestatus som foredragsholder i den framstormende bransjen informasjonsteknologi. Han nektet seg ikke å være profet i sitt eget land.
Bøkene ”Grisen før jul” og ”Kvikksølv” har vi heldigvis som skrifter av Tron som demonstrerer hans profetiske evner. Kanskje er ikke operativsystemet Linux veien til kommunismen, men Tron prøvde som ingen annen å vise fram det kommunistiske potensialet i den nye teknolgien.
Dessverre, har jeg alltid ment, var Tron gladere i å snakke enn i å skrive. En del av smerten ved tapet av ham er at det er så mye han skulle satt på prent, eller iallfall talt inn på CD-plater. En gang ga han ut en kassett med den treffende tittelen ”Tron Øgrim snakker sjæl”.
Hans iherdige snakk kunne irritere meg, bevares. Vårt lange vennskap var ikke uten stormer. Ved en anledning seint på syttitallet forlot jeg hans hus i Trasopveien løpende, og svór på at jeg aldri ville sette beina mine der mer. Årsaken var en fundamental uenighet om forhold i seilskutetida. Noen uker seinere var jeg klar til ny dyst om dette emnet, og om alt det andre mellom himmel og hav som vi diskuterte.
En gang han var på besøk ute hos meg på Larkollen en vinter møttes vi midt på natta i trappa på vei opp og ned til toalettet i kjelleren. Jeg var i bare underbuksa og det var bikkjekaldt i huset. Men jeg måtte spørre Tron om noe jeg hadde ligget og tenkt på etter vår kveldssamtale. Hvordan kan vi vite åssen sumerernes språk ble uttalt når vi bare har kileskriften deres å bygge på? Tron slo til med et av sine spontane halvtimesforedrag mens jeg hutra og skalv, og forbannet mitt kileskrift-spørsmål. Det var ikke fordi han stengte trappa for meg med sin pondus at jeg ble stående og lytte, men fordi det han sa var så lærd.
Bakom lærdheten var det, naturligvis, en mann som også hadde svake sider og ømme punkter. Bildet offentligheten har av buldrebassen Tron Øgrim må utfylles ved å peke på dette. Bulderet skulle nok av og til tjene til å kamuflere en hyperfølsomhet, ja, en viss sjenanse.
Nå savner jeg den energiske røsten.
Kamerater og venner! Det er brått blitt sørgelig mye stillere rundt oss.
Jon Michelet
Min venn Tron
Tron Øgrim har lagt inn årene i livets båt, så altfor tidlig. For meg, som var hans venn siden tidlig 1970-tall, oppleves tapet av Tron som smertelig. Det tror jeg det gjør for mange andre, langt utenfor familien, vennekretsen og den politiske venstresida som Tron tilhørte. Jeg merket meg at internettleksikonet Wikipedia ved budskapet om Trons død flagget sin logo på halv stang. Leksikonet har mistet en av sine ressurspersoner og ivrigste frivillige bidragsytere.
Jeg skulle så inderlig gjerne sett at han hadde fått seile videre. Til Nepal! Sist vi møttes, for en drøy måned siden, samtalte vi om Nepal. Tron viste meg stolt det store knippet av innsiktsfulle artikler om Nepal som han hadde publisert på internett. Han hadde lenge planlagt en reise til dette himalayiske landet som bergtok ham. Jeg oppmuntret ham så sterkt jeg kunne til å skrive bok om Nepal. For en ukes tid siden var Tron innom reisebokhandelen Nomaden i Oslo og kjøpte detaljkart over Nepal.
Vi snakket også om en bok med Trons beste skriftstykker som han hadde tenkt kunne komme ut i anledning sekstiårsdagen hans nå i sommer. Så rakk han ikke å bli 60. Jeg håper likevel bokprosjektet vil bli noe av.
Spurt av radiokanalene Kulturnytt og Østlandssendingen, og av VG, om å si noe om Tron brukte jeg store ord. Jeg sa at han var en guru og et universalgeni. Dette står jeg fast ved.
For den forfattergenerasjonen jeg tilhører ble Tron en sentral figur. Ikke fordi han i kraft av sin posisjon i den marxist-leninistiske rørsla svingte partipisken over forfatterspirenes hoder, men fordi han var så kunnskapsrik på feltet litteratur og så djerv i diskusjonene om hva litteraturen skulle være. De forfatterne som møtte den unge, framfuse Tron Øgrim ble fanget inn av hans nærmest ubendige fantasi og idérikdom.
Fantasiene, idéene og visjonene til Tron hadde en solid bakgrunn i hans store hode. Ingen annen person jeg har hatt æren og gleden av å kjenne hadde en slik bredde og allsidighet i kunnskapene sine. Kanskje var det fordi han var en autodidakt. Formell utdanning hadde Tron fint lite av. Han lærte seg sjøl, og ble så en læremester.
Vår vennskap ble for alvor smidd da vi sammen var med i pionértida da Oktober forlag – som Tron var en av initiativtakerne til – skulle bygges opp, og kjeden av Oktober-bokhandler strekkes ut over det ganske land.
Det var en stor tanke, og en praktisk og politisk utfordring. Jeg kom inn i det som praktikeren med styrmannserfaring. Tron var ideologen. Oktober delte trykkeri og samarbeidet nært med Klassekampen, som skulle ta spranget til å bli ukeavis, og der vi begge bidro.
Så brast mange av våre politiske drømmer for Norge og verden (men både Oktober og Klassekampen overlevde, på magisk vis.)
Jeg følte i mange år at jeg var en skipbrudden på ideologienes hav. Der jeg, og mange med meg, befant oss uten visjoner, hadde Tron en hemmelig styrke. Han så nye visjoner, og talte og skrev om dem slik at han fikk en stjernestatus som foredragsholder i den framstormende bransjen informasjonsteknologi. Han nektet seg ikke å være profet i sitt eget land.
Bøkene ”Grisen før jul” og ”Kvikksølv” har vi heldigvis som skrifter av Tron som demonstrerer hans profetiske evner. Kanskje er ikke operativsystemet Linux veien til kommunismen, men Tron prøvde som ingen annen å vise fram det kommunistiske potensialet i den nye teknolgien.
Dessverre, har jeg alltid ment, var Tron gladere i å snakke enn i å skrive. En del av smerten ved tapet av ham er at det er så mye han skulle satt på prent, eller iallfall talt inn på CD-plater. En gang ga han ut en kassett med den treffende tittelen ”Tron Øgrim snakker sjæl”.
Hans iherdige snakk kunne irritere meg, bevares. Vårt lange vennskap var ikke uten stormer. Ved en anledning seint på syttitallet forlot jeg hans hus i Trasopveien løpende, og svór på at jeg aldri ville sette beina mine der mer. Årsaken var en fundamental uenighet om forhold i seilskutetida. Noen uker seinere var jeg klar til ny dyst om dette emnet, og om alt det andre mellom himmel og hav som vi diskuterte.
En gang han var på besøk ute hos meg på Larkollen en vinter møttes vi midt på natta i trappa på vei opp og ned til toalettet i kjelleren. Jeg var i bare underbuksa og det var bikkjekaldt i huset. Men jeg måtte spørre Tron om noe jeg hadde ligget og tenkt på etter vår kveldssamtale. Hvordan kan vi vite åssen sumerernes språk ble uttalt når vi bare har kileskriften deres å bygge på? Tron slo til med et av sine spontane halvtimesforedrag mens jeg hutra og skalv, og forbannet mitt kileskrift-spørsmål. Det var ikke fordi han stengte trappa for meg med sin pondus at jeg ble stående og lytte, men fordi det han sa var så lærd.
Bakom lærdheten var det, naturligvis, en mann som også hadde svake sider og ømme punkter. Bildet offentligheten har av buldrebassen Tron Øgrim må utfylles ved å peke på dette. Bulderet skulle nok av og til tjene til å kamuflere en hyperfølsomhet, ja, en viss sjenanse.
Nå savner jeg den energiske røsten.
Kamerater og venner! Det er brått blitt sørgelig mye stillere rundt oss.
Jon Michelet
Tron var en viktig bidragsyter på nettleksikonet Wikipedia. Både på Tinget, en diskusjonsside for leksikonet og på Trons brukerside er det mange som har lagt inn sine hilsener og bestehexer til Tron.
På homonettsamfunnet Gaysir er det også en tråd verdt å kikke på.
På homonettsamfunnet Gaysir er det også en tråd verdt å kikke på.
Meldingar på Leftist Trainspotters
Dette er meldingar som kom på epostlista Leftist Trainspotters etter bodskapen om at Tron var død.
These are messages sent to the emaillist Leftist Trainspotters after the message that Tron was dead.
From: "Peter Krasnopyorov"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Oh dear!!!
What will I do without my beloved Uncle?!!
Take condolences from
Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Front of Ukraine (Marx-Mao-Marcuse)
Kharkov branch of All-Ukrainian Union of Workers (VSR)
Kharkov branch of Union of Communists of Ukraine (SKU)
Kharkov branch of All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (VKPB)
and personally from
cousin Pyotr from Eastern Ukraine
(yes, we sometimes argued and quarreled with uncle Tron, but still
we enjoyed each other!).
From: simon strickland-scott
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 7:29 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Having been shocked and sadened by Togrim's death, I would just like to add my
condolences to the many, many, messages on this list.
From: "harphilby"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 11:53 am
Subject: Re: RIP: harphilby
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Tron Øgrim this week.Though I
only knew him through this group over the years I came to know him
through his wit and observation on this site.
please pass on my condolences to his friends, comrades and family,
Kim Philby
From: Jonas Ryberg
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 11:23 am
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
I will miss opening my mailbox each day finding new articles on Nepal.
It's a shame.
All my condolences to family and friends.
Jonas Ryberg, ombudsman SSU Gävleborg
From: "rapitas2000"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 11:19 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim rapitas2000
You Norwegian comrades seem to be remarkable people, and Tron was more
remarkable than most. He will be sorely missed. Condolences to all
those close to him.
Andrew Coates
From: "Allan Windsor"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 9:46 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim genoa123456
I'm very very sorry to hear this news. Tron was to say the least an
asset to this list but more importantly to the movement.
Magnus. I read on the web so i do not have an email address to send
my condolences to his family. Could you do so on my behalf please?
Or send me the address off list
From: "Tim Bowron"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 7:25 am
Subject: Re: Tron Will Be Missed pasha_streln...
Very shocked to hear about Tron´s passing and I too will miss his
indefatigable and frequently amusing postings on this list.
I like to think that it is in large part thanks to Tron that I am now
much more ecumenical in my attitude towards the rest of the left,
compared with when I joined this list five years ago as the zealous
young partisan of one particular small trotskyist sect.
Above all Tron showed us that in spite of our differences we socialists
and revolutionaries of many different stripes can work together in a
spirit of good humour and comradeship.
Tim Bowron
From: "comrade_brezhnev"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 5:04 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim comrade_brez...
I, too, am surprised and saddened to hear this news. He was a friendly
poster, even to those with different political views than his own. I'd
like to add my condolences to those that have already been posted. The
list will not be the same without him.
From: "Richard"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 2:53 am
Subject: Re: Tron Will Be Missed rhh1_smirnov
Matthew wrote:
Tron's loss will be felt on this list serve, and certainly in my
own intellectual life. He provided a great example of someone who
struggled to maintain an honest commitment to the people of the world
and the deeper truths of Marxism, while breaking with the dogmas of
our own pasts.
Thank you Matthew for putting so eloquently what I have been
struggling to say. Tron has corresponded with me, too, about how to
work in the movement to develop the fight for socialism in my patch.
He was and is a truly impressive human being.
His death draws me to think of my death and of yours, our shared
mortality. Rather than having death and biology in common, we need
much more to share the life affirming battle for a better and
fulfilled human future.
This list is one bloody good way of starting to do that.
From: Chung Soon-duk
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 1:39 am
Subject: Re: Tron Will Be Missed
On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 11:54:09PM +0100, va1935 wrote:
> Condolences to family and friends. His wit and wisdom will be missed
> on this list. What's struck me more than anything is the fact that,
> with his death, this list has become a community - albeit virtual -
> and is enriched by these outpourings. Tron lives on in all our activism.
This place will seem strange without Tron.
Some spotters have already recalled Tron's humorous ripostes and his
sectarian-antisectarianism. But in addition to that, what I will always
remember about Tron is his journalistic skepticism, his cheerful
indefatigability, and of course who could forget his hilarious malapropisms.
I usually disagreed with his political conclusions, but I'm not ashamed to say
he had a kind of developmental influence on me. And why not? His good
qualities are worth emulating.
As Tron would say,
+ Thass my wiew only.
From: Chung Soon-duk
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 9:52 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Ogrim
I only knew him from this list, but it was obvious that behind the posts was a
fine mind and a decent human being. Like many others here, I hoped to meet up
with him in Oslo some day. Not to be. My sincere condolences to his friends
and loved ones.
Goodbye, cto.
rom: va1935
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 12:54 am
Subject: Re:Tron Will Be Missed
Condolences to family and friends. His wit and wisdom will be missed
on this list. What's struck me more than anything is the fact that,
with his death, this list has become a community - albeit virtual -
and is enriched by these outpourings. Tron lives on in all our activism.
Heddwch i dy lwch, Tron
From: Einde O'Callaghan
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 12:07 am
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
David Walters schrieb:
> I am deeply, deeply saddened by this but what is arguable the loss of
> one the most admirable spirits on this list, and, in the international
> left in general. I considered Tron a friend and deeply respected his
> wit, humor and humanity. It is a loss for all of us.
I'd like to add my condolences to those expressed by so many on the
list. I feel particularly sad because in a way Tron and I are of the
same generation (I'm only a few years younger) and I suspect that we
were both radicalised by similar events and experiences, even if in
different small countries and with slightly different outcomes - I
became a Trot and Tron definitely didn't.
However the number of people of our generation who've managed to keep
their ideals and commitment intact through all the ups and downs (far
too many downs) of teh last 4 decades is relatively small, so although I
never met him I feel a strong affinity with him. Indeed in the last
decade there have been the beginnings of a regroupment in which the old
battlelines of the period dating from the late 1920s to the late 1980s
have become less important for our day-to-day politics, even if they may
still retain some theoretical significance.
I'll particularly miss the large number of postings about Nepal (often
inordinately large). It's sad to think that he'll no longer be here to
tell us about the adventures (and misadventures) of the 57 (?) different
Nepalese Communist Parties (even the Trots have never quite managed to
achieve such a situation on a world scale, let alone in a relatively
small country).
However, I think that every time I read something about Nepal from now
on it'll remind me of Tron. And let us remember him for his good humour
and rejection of what I like to call "sectarian sectarianism". Of
course, as sp0otters we are perhaps a little tainted by what I would
call "non-sectarian sectarian" or "sectarian non-sectarianism" - in the
best possible sense of the words Tron was one of them - and one of us.
Einde O'Callaghan
P.S. I didn't realise that he was quite so well-known in Norway - a news
item, rather than just an obituary, in one of the biggest daily
newspapers of the country is quite some achievement. And judging from
the large number of Norwegian links posted since the news came out he
was clearly an important figure not just on the left in norway.
ahmetalat" Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:22 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
a sad day for spotters, a painful massage about how fragile human life
is and how easy it cant be taken away from us.......
as an atheist these are of the few times that i would really be glad
if god existed,maybe great and precious people for their close and
relatives, would have to disappear in the oblivion of time.....
rip tron,let god proves us wrong..
From: "Steve Cooke"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:53 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
Sorry about this bad news.
Condolences to Tron's family, friends and comrades.
Steve Cooke
From: "nigel_irritable"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:45 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is dreadful news. I never met Tron, but I did read his many posts
to this list. I often disagreed with him, but I always found his posts
interesting, informative and entertaining. He could also be very, very
Condolonces to all who knew him personally, his friends, his family
and his comrades.
From: Sam Richards
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:30 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Sadden to hear of the death of a comrade, pleased to have even a brief encounter
with such an honest revolutionary minded soul,amused by his stories and
observation and wished we had achieved as much .
Condolence to his family and friends.
Cheers Tron.
From: "nat" <>
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:23 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
As one of the non-Norwegians on this list
fortunate enough to have met and bent an elbow
with Tron, I extend my condolences to the
comrades of Rødt, to the people of Norway and to
all of us.
As a Maoist, I know I'm instructed by the late
Chairman to bang joyfully on a pot to celebrate
the operation of dialectics, but I'm too bummed
to even try and google the reference. (Plus which
banging would wake up my poor hardworking
roommate.) So instead I'm going to go out to some
boutique beer store later this morning and buy
myself a Norwegian import or two. Not the season
for Juleøl, but maybe I'll be able to find
something a little tastier than Rignes.
Shit, I just exchanged a few emails with him last week, dammit.
From: "tapani g."
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 9:01 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
--- In leftist_trainspotters@yahoogroups.com, "Magnus Bernhardsen"
> New articles on Tron Øgrim showed up in the French and Finnish
> wikipedias today:
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tron_%C3%98grim
> http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tron_%C3%98grim
I wrote the finnish one. Writing and improving the wiki articles of
Tron in different languages could be a spotterly way to remember him.
From: "Matthew Rothwell"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 8:54 pm
Subject: Tron Will Be Missed
Tron's loss will be felt on this list serve, and certainly in my own
intellectual life. He provided a great example of someone who struggled to
maintain an honest commitment to the people of the world and the deeper truths
of Marxism, while breaking with the dogmas of our own pasts. A struggle that is
very hard in practice, but which he made look easy. He had recently written me
expressing how excited he was at the idea that he might soon go to Nepal. I wish
he had had the opportunity.
I greatly valued his comments on this list and in our own personal
correspondence. His letters to me over the past year while I have been studying
Maoist movements in Latin America and the opportunity I had to conduct an oral
history interview with him about his own role in international relations within
the ICM during the 1960s and '70s have enriched not only my own understanding of
the period, but also my own life, because when Tron shared historical facts,
insights, anecdotes and tidbits, he also shared himself as a person. Although he
liked to adopt a curmudgeonly facade, anyone who got to know him at all had to
be struck by what a beautiful person he was.
I had been getting ready to draft a story about Abimael Guzmán asking for a fine
bottle of wine after his arrest in honor of Tron's birthday. I'll certainly be
drinking a toast tonight in Tron's honor tonight, hopefully I can find some
Christmas beer.
My heartfelt condolences to Tron's family, friends and comrades in Norway, Nepal
and everywhere. He will be sorely missed and long remembered.
rom: "Tommy"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:39 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I'm in shock. He'll be missed all around this planet. Please let me
contribute to whatever memorial trainspotters can plan.
Tommy M, NYC
From: goran vlajkovic
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:36 pm
I will miss him! Tron was great Marxist-Leninist and
spotter. I am very sorry!
rom: "David Walters"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:30 pm
Subject: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I am deeply, deeply saddened by this but what is arguable the loss of
one the most admirable spirits on this list, and, in the international
left in general. I considered Tron a friend and deeply respected his
wit, humor and humanity. It is a loss for all of us.
David Walters
From: "sandin0"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:21 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Condolences to Tron's family and comrades. It's a huge loss for them,
and for all of us trainspotters as well.
Here's a relevant passage from Mao that I hope Tron would appreciate.
It's short so I'll post it all here. Tron's death is surely weightier
than Mount Tai.
September 8, 1944
[The rest of Mao’s article edited out. MB]
From: John Mage
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 6:47 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
what a shock!
what a loss!
he wrote to me that he was dreaming of (for the first time) going to
Nepal this year. myself, i was dreaming of (for the first time) this
year meeting him for a beer.
i pledge to uphold the high standards of the Hisila Yami Fan Club in
the memory of this wonderful unique comrade.
john mage
From: "joalff"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 5:03 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Bad surprise. We will miss a lot his fine ironies in this list. I
suggest a biography on Tron, to be provided by their closer comrades
and relatives!
My feelings and solidarity to the people who love him
José Alcides
From: "Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 4:14 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Very shocked to hear this news. Very hard to beleive really. His
enthusiasm, energy and humour will be sorely missed.
From: "Magnus Goransson"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 3:46 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is so sad.
On the other hand, I am grateful I got to know Tron through this
list. I am glad for a lot I learned - not just about whatever the
disucssion was about, but about the approach itself, to continue to
keep an open mind and to learn from and take joy in troubling
knowledge instead of shutting them out.
Now when Tron is dead, we each ought contribute a little bit more
with all that he brought to us in this list - curiosity, comittment
to REAL left - people struggling against oppression regardless of the
color of their flag or the name of their holy book - openmindedness,
respect for facts - and some bad temper and a lousy english too, of
I am glad I got to know some more of him, thanks to his contributions
here and thanks to your efforts to keep this list running, Magnus!
Tron, you will be missed!
Magnus G
From: "Erik"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 3:43 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Wow. No more news from Nepal. QEPD.
From: "mariategui_red"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 2:11 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is so sudden, i have the impression that he posted all news from
Nepal peoples war just yesterday. He will be missed. This really are
sad news.
My condolences to his family and friends
From: "Nico Biver"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:47 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
I am very sad.
He was the best.
I was always impressed by his great knowledge and by his ability to explain very
complex matters in very short time.
I will miss him.
From: mike pearn
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:10 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Dreadful news he always seemed so alive and engaged
with everybody here as an equal. Whatever the
differences we have here as to politics he came across
as a man who genuinely loved humanity and wanted a
better life for all than this hell. I'll miss him.
condolances to his family, friends and comrades
From: "johannesr"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:07 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I am shocked and dont know what to say.
From: "Magnus Bernhardsen"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 12:56 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
It is such a loss.
I feel like stamping my feet in the ground and yell "It's not fair!".
Because it is not.
I've known Tron since I was fifteen - for more than half my life. His
influence on me has been enormous, and I'm so thankful for that.
He was the master builder, the architect of the Norwegian ML-movement.
However, the other side portray the movement as his plaything, his
private project in a way.
But it wasn't that. What he contributed was that the Norwegian
communists spoke Norwegian, not Chinese or Albanian. His way of
writing was readable, enjoyable. I guess all on this list have been
amazed at the way he processed knowledge. It's not a long time ago
when Tron used to call me to hear the latest from Nepal. It didn't
take him long to learn as much as I knew, and tehn he just sped ahead.
As we also have seen, he could speak about any subject. He was
interested in it all. He loved the people, and he loved people. He
always found something to be cheerful or joyous about in people.
I remember once when Tron drove me home from some sort of meeting. He
drove so recklessly that the girl who sat next to me, and I was in
love with, crept up and hid her face in my lap. And we got together...
Thank you for that, Tron.
Thank you for the hour and hours we've spent on pubs, on meetings, at
the cinema, and on the net. I've learned so much, and most of all,
been inspired to learn more.
You've always been willing to help out, to give a talk, - I'm so
thankful for the city walks we've organised together.
The culture here on this list is to a very, very large extent Tron's
doing. Please let us honour his memory in keeping it alive.
I've been rambling now. And I've been crying on and off for hours.
I'll miss you so much.
From: "Lars Akerhaug"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 12:37 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is really a sad day. I also got a forewarning speaking to the
Trainmaster yesterday night, but this doesn't help much.
Tron meant a lot to me and many other young people in the Norwegian
revolutionary movement. He was a different person, and I say this in the
most positive way. He was different from so many other of the revolutionary
generation of the 60s and 70s.
Many, if not most, left their position behind in search of conformity (and
sometimes fame). Others stuck to their beliefs without looking at politics
from new angles. Tron was different and extraordinary. He was always looking
at political and social issues in new ways. A primary example is his book
"marxismen, vitenskap eller åpenbaringsrelgion" (marxism, science or
relevation?), but there are many others. The way he picked up interest in
the Maoist people's war in Nepal, in spite of his strong disagreements with
RIM is another, more recent example.
He was also someone interested in discusssing, listening to (and convincing)
young members. In this way many of us has gotten to know him in a different
way than more aloof or less inspired members of his generation in the
I met him las time during a brief sojourn in Oslo this winter. Although he
had health problems, he was as interesting to talk to as ever. He died far
too young and was indeed, whatever he said himself, young-minded until the
end. He will be truly missed for his contributions, on the list as well as
in real life.
All my sympathy,
as Tron would say, in "exile" in Cairo
From: Franco
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 12:25 pm
Subject: R: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I will miss him. Very sorry.
From: "Takawira"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:53 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Really sorry to hear that.
I never met him (thought one day i would have a drink with him) but he
was a real asset, this lists greatest asset at least.
really crap news.
From: Svante
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:53 am
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
How horribly sad. Spotters will never be the same again. Tron, you're missed.
Another article, although with no more information than the first one:
From: "kamalmarx"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:48 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
i am speechless, my condolences to his familly, comarades and friends
From: "cepetroni"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:31 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I'm shocked. He will be missed in this list and in his organization,
I'm sure. He and I had exactly the same age, and in many respects I
could relate to many of his memoirs when he wrote them, even when we
both lived in opposites sides of the world.
I particularly enjoyed when he wrote about his father after he died
few months back.
I could not decipher the part of the article where it says how he
died. It would be good is someone could translate it. We would need
some address to send condolences as well.
These are messages sent to the emaillist Leftist Trainspotters after the message that Tron was dead.
From: "Peter Krasnopyorov"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Oh dear!!!
What will I do without my beloved Uncle?!!
Take condolences from
Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist Front of Ukraine (Marx-Mao-Marcuse)
Kharkov branch of All-Ukrainian Union of Workers (VSR)
Kharkov branch of Union of Communists of Ukraine (SKU)
Kharkov branch of All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (VKPB)
and personally from
cousin Pyotr from Eastern Ukraine
(yes, we sometimes argued and quarreled with uncle Tron, but still
we enjoyed each other!).
From: simon strickland-scott
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 7:29 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Having been shocked and sadened by Togrim's death, I would just like to add my
condolences to the many, many, messages on this list.
From: "harphilby"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 11:53 am
Subject: Re: RIP: harphilby
I was saddened to hear of the passing of Tron Øgrim this week.Though I
only knew him through this group over the years I came to know him
through his wit and observation on this site.
please pass on my condolences to his friends, comrades and family,
Kim Philby
From: Jonas Ryberg
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 11:23 am
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
I will miss opening my mailbox each day finding new articles on Nepal.
It's a shame.
All my condolences to family and friends.
Jonas Ryberg, ombudsman SSU Gävleborg
From: "rapitas2000"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 11:19 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim rapitas2000
You Norwegian comrades seem to be remarkable people, and Tron was more
remarkable than most. He will be sorely missed. Condolences to all
those close to him.
Andrew Coates
From: "Allan Windsor"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 9:46 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim genoa123456
I'm very very sorry to hear this news. Tron was to say the least an
asset to this list but more importantly to the movement.
Magnus. I read on the web so i do not have an email address to send
my condolences to his family. Could you do so on my behalf please?
Or send me the address off list
From: "Tim Bowron"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 7:25 am
Subject: Re: Tron Will Be Missed pasha_streln...
Very shocked to hear about Tron´s passing and I too will miss his
indefatigable and frequently amusing postings on this list.
I like to think that it is in large part thanks to Tron that I am now
much more ecumenical in my attitude towards the rest of the left,
compared with when I joined this list five years ago as the zealous
young partisan of one particular small trotskyist sect.
Above all Tron showed us that in spite of our differences we socialists
and revolutionaries of many different stripes can work together in a
spirit of good humour and comradeship.
Tim Bowron
From: "comrade_brezhnev"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 5:04 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim comrade_brez...
I, too, am surprised and saddened to hear this news. He was a friendly
poster, even to those with different political views than his own. I'd
like to add my condolences to those that have already been posted. The
list will not be the same without him.
From: "Richard"
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 2:53 am
Subject: Re: Tron Will Be Missed rhh1_smirnov
Matthew wrote:
Tron's loss will be felt on this list serve, and certainly in my
own intellectual life. He provided a great example of someone who
struggled to maintain an honest commitment to the people of the world
and the deeper truths of Marxism, while breaking with the dogmas of
our own pasts.
Thank you Matthew for putting so eloquently what I have been
struggling to say. Tron has corresponded with me, too, about how to
work in the movement to develop the fight for socialism in my patch.
He was and is a truly impressive human being.
His death draws me to think of my death and of yours, our shared
mortality. Rather than having death and biology in common, we need
much more to share the life affirming battle for a better and
fulfilled human future.
This list is one bloody good way of starting to do that.
From: Chung Soon-duk
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 1:39 am
Subject: Re: Tron Will Be Missed
On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 11:54:09PM +0100, va1935 wrote:
> Condolences to family and friends. His wit and wisdom will be missed
> on this list. What's struck me more than anything is the fact that,
> with his death, this list has become a community - albeit virtual -
> and is enriched by these outpourings. Tron lives on in all our activism.
This place will seem strange without Tron.
Some spotters have already recalled Tron's humorous ripostes and his
sectarian-antisectarianism. But in addition to that, what I will always
remember about Tron is his journalistic skepticism, his cheerful
indefatigability, and of course who could forget his hilarious malapropisms.
I usually disagreed with his political conclusions, but I'm not ashamed to say
he had a kind of developmental influence on me. And why not? His good
qualities are worth emulating.
As Tron would say,
+ Thass my wiew only.
From: Chung Soon-duk
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 9:52 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Ogrim
I only knew him from this list, but it was obvious that behind the posts was a
fine mind and a decent human being. Like many others here, I hoped to meet up
with him in Oslo some day. Not to be. My sincere condolences to his friends
and loved ones.
Goodbye, cto.
rom: va1935
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 12:54 am
Subject: Re:Tron Will Be Missed
Condolences to family and friends. His wit and wisdom will be missed
on this list. What's struck me more than anything is the fact that,
with his death, this list has become a community - albeit virtual -
and is enriched by these outpourings. Tron lives on in all our activism.
Heddwch i dy lwch, Tron
From: Einde O'Callaghan
Date: Fri May 25, 2007 12:07 am
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
David Walters schrieb:
> I am deeply, deeply saddened by this but what is arguable the loss of
> one the most admirable spirits on this list, and, in the international
> left in general. I considered Tron a friend and deeply respected his
> wit, humor and humanity. It is a loss for all of us.
I'd like to add my condolences to those expressed by so many on the
list. I feel particularly sad because in a way Tron and I are of the
same generation (I'm only a few years younger) and I suspect that we
were both radicalised by similar events and experiences, even if in
different small countries and with slightly different outcomes - I
became a Trot and Tron definitely didn't.
However the number of people of our generation who've managed to keep
their ideals and commitment intact through all the ups and downs (far
too many downs) of teh last 4 decades is relatively small, so although I
never met him I feel a strong affinity with him. Indeed in the last
decade there have been the beginnings of a regroupment in which the old
battlelines of the period dating from the late 1920s to the late 1980s
have become less important for our day-to-day politics, even if they may
still retain some theoretical significance.
I'll particularly miss the large number of postings about Nepal (often
inordinately large). It's sad to think that he'll no longer be here to
tell us about the adventures (and misadventures) of the 57 (?) different
Nepalese Communist Parties (even the Trots have never quite managed to
achieve such a situation on a world scale, let alone in a relatively
small country).
However, I think that every time I read something about Nepal from now
on it'll remind me of Tron. And let us remember him for his good humour
and rejection of what I like to call "sectarian sectarianism". Of
course, as sp0otters we are perhaps a little tainted by what I would
call "non-sectarian sectarian" or "sectarian non-sectarianism" - in the
best possible sense of the words Tron was one of them - and one of us.
Einde O'Callaghan
P.S. I didn't realise that he was quite so well-known in Norway - a news
item, rather than just an obituary, in one of the biggest daily
newspapers of the country is quite some achievement. And judging from
the large number of Norwegian links posted since the news came out he
was clearly an important figure not just on the left in norway.
ahmetalat" Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:22 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
a sad day for spotters, a painful massage about how fragile human life
is and how easy it cant be taken away from us.......
as an atheist these are of the few times that i would really be glad
if god existed,maybe great and precious people for their close and
relatives, would have to disappear in the oblivion of time.....
rip tron,let god proves us wrong..
From: "Steve Cooke"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:53 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
Sorry about this bad news.
Condolences to Tron's family, friends and comrades.
Steve Cooke
From: "nigel_irritable"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:45 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is dreadful news. I never met Tron, but I did read his many posts
to this list. I often disagreed with him, but I always found his posts
interesting, informative and entertaining. He could also be very, very
Condolonces to all who knew him personally, his friends, his family
and his comrades.
From: Sam Richards
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:30 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Sadden to hear of the death of a comrade, pleased to have even a brief encounter
with such an honest revolutionary minded soul,amused by his stories and
observation and wished we had achieved as much .
Condolence to his family and friends.
Cheers Tron.
From: "nat" <>
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:23 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
As one of the non-Norwegians on this list
fortunate enough to have met and bent an elbow
with Tron, I extend my condolences to the
comrades of Rødt, to the people of Norway and to
all of us.
As a Maoist, I know I'm instructed by the late
Chairman to bang joyfully on a pot to celebrate
the operation of dialectics, but I'm too bummed
to even try and google the reference. (Plus which
banging would wake up my poor hardworking
roommate.) So instead I'm going to go out to some
boutique beer store later this morning and buy
myself a Norwegian import or two. Not the season
for Juleøl, but maybe I'll be able to find
something a little tastier than Rignes.
Shit, I just exchanged a few emails with him last week, dammit.
From: "tapani g."
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 9:01 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
--- In leftist_trainspotters@yahoogroups.com, "Magnus Bernhardsen"
> New articles on Tron Øgrim showed up in the French and Finnish
> wikipedias today:
> http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tron_%C3%98grim
> http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tron_%C3%98grim
I wrote the finnish one. Writing and improving the wiki articles of
Tron in different languages could be a spotterly way to remember him.
From: "Matthew Rothwell"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 8:54 pm
Subject: Tron Will Be Missed
Tron's loss will be felt on this list serve, and certainly in my own
intellectual life. He provided a great example of someone who struggled to
maintain an honest commitment to the people of the world and the deeper truths
of Marxism, while breaking with the dogmas of our own pasts. A struggle that is
very hard in practice, but which he made look easy. He had recently written me
expressing how excited he was at the idea that he might soon go to Nepal. I wish
he had had the opportunity.
I greatly valued his comments on this list and in our own personal
correspondence. His letters to me over the past year while I have been studying
Maoist movements in Latin America and the opportunity I had to conduct an oral
history interview with him about his own role in international relations within
the ICM during the 1960s and '70s have enriched not only my own understanding of
the period, but also my own life, because when Tron shared historical facts,
insights, anecdotes and tidbits, he also shared himself as a person. Although he
liked to adopt a curmudgeonly facade, anyone who got to know him at all had to
be struck by what a beautiful person he was.
I had been getting ready to draft a story about Abimael Guzmán asking for a fine
bottle of wine after his arrest in honor of Tron's birthday. I'll certainly be
drinking a toast tonight in Tron's honor tonight, hopefully I can find some
Christmas beer.
My heartfelt condolences to Tron's family, friends and comrades in Norway, Nepal
and everywhere. He will be sorely missed and long remembered.
rom: "Tommy"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:39 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I'm in shock. He'll be missed all around this planet. Please let me
contribute to whatever memorial trainspotters can plan.
Tommy M, NYC
From: goran vlajkovic
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:36 pm
I will miss him! Tron was great Marxist-Leninist and
spotter. I am very sorry!
rom: "David Walters"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:30 pm
Subject: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I am deeply, deeply saddened by this but what is arguable the loss of
one the most admirable spirits on this list, and, in the international
left in general. I considered Tron a friend and deeply respected his
wit, humor and humanity. It is a loss for all of us.
David Walters
From: "sandin0"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 7:21 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Condolences to Tron's family and comrades. It's a huge loss for them,
and for all of us trainspotters as well.
Here's a relevant passage from Mao that I hope Tron would appreciate.
It's short so I'll post it all here. Tron's death is surely weightier
than Mount Tai.
September 8, 1944
[The rest of Mao’s article edited out. MB]
From: John Mage
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 6:47 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
what a shock!
what a loss!
he wrote to me that he was dreaming of (for the first time) going to
Nepal this year. myself, i was dreaming of (for the first time) this
year meeting him for a beer.
i pledge to uphold the high standards of the Hisila Yami Fan Club in
the memory of this wonderful unique comrade.
john mage
From: "joalff"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 5:03 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Bad surprise. We will miss a lot his fine ironies in this list. I
suggest a biography on Tron, to be provided by their closer comrades
and relatives!
My feelings and solidarity to the people who love him
José Alcides
From: "Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 4:14 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Very shocked to hear this news. Very hard to beleive really. His
enthusiasm, energy and humour will be sorely missed.
From: "Magnus Goransson"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 3:46 pm
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is so sad.
On the other hand, I am grateful I got to know Tron through this
list. I am glad for a lot I learned - not just about whatever the
disucssion was about, but about the approach itself, to continue to
keep an open mind and to learn from and take joy in troubling
knowledge instead of shutting them out.
Now when Tron is dead, we each ought contribute a little bit more
with all that he brought to us in this list - curiosity, comittment
to REAL left - people struggling against oppression regardless of the
color of their flag or the name of their holy book - openmindedness,
respect for facts - and some bad temper and a lousy english too, of
I am glad I got to know some more of him, thanks to his contributions
here and thanks to your efforts to keep this list running, Magnus!
Tron, you will be missed!
Magnus G
From: "Erik"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 3:43 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Wow. No more news from Nepal. QEPD.
From: "mariategui_red"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 2:11 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is so sudden, i have the impression that he posted all news from
Nepal peoples war just yesterday. He will be missed. This really are
sad news.
My condolences to his family and friends
From: "Nico Biver"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:47 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] RIP: Tron Øgrim
I am very sad.
He was the best.
I was always impressed by his great knowledge and by his ability to explain very
complex matters in very short time.
I will miss him.
From: mike pearn
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:10 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Dreadful news he always seemed so alive and engaged
with everybody here as an equal. Whatever the
differences we have here as to politics he came across
as a man who genuinely loved humanity and wanted a
better life for all than this hell. I'll miss him.
condolances to his family, friends and comrades
From: "johannesr"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 1:07 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I am shocked and dont know what to say.
From: "Magnus Bernhardsen"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 12:56 pm
Subject: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
It is such a loss.
I feel like stamping my feet in the ground and yell "It's not fair!".
Because it is not.
I've known Tron since I was fifteen - for more than half my life. His
influence on me has been enormous, and I'm so thankful for that.
He was the master builder, the architect of the Norwegian ML-movement.
However, the other side portray the movement as his plaything, his
private project in a way.
But it wasn't that. What he contributed was that the Norwegian
communists spoke Norwegian, not Chinese or Albanian. His way of
writing was readable, enjoyable. I guess all on this list have been
amazed at the way he processed knowledge. It's not a long time ago
when Tron used to call me to hear the latest from Nepal. It didn't
take him long to learn as much as I knew, and tehn he just sped ahead.
As we also have seen, he could speak about any subject. He was
interested in it all. He loved the people, and he loved people. He
always found something to be cheerful or joyous about in people.
I remember once when Tron drove me home from some sort of meeting. He
drove so recklessly that the girl who sat next to me, and I was in
love with, crept up and hid her face in my lap. And we got together...
Thank you for that, Tron.
Thank you for the hour and hours we've spent on pubs, on meetings, at
the cinema, and on the net. I've learned so much, and most of all,
been inspired to learn more.
You've always been willing to help out, to give a talk, - I'm so
thankful for the city walks we've organised together.
The culture here on this list is to a very, very large extent Tron's
doing. Please let us honour his memory in keeping it alive.
I've been rambling now. And I've been crying on and off for hours.
I'll miss you so much.
From: "Lars Akerhaug"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 12:37 pm
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
This is really a sad day. I also got a forewarning speaking to the
Trainmaster yesterday night, but this doesn't help much.
Tron meant a lot to me and many other young people in the Norwegian
revolutionary movement. He was a different person, and I say this in the
most positive way. He was different from so many other of the revolutionary
generation of the 60s and 70s.
Many, if not most, left their position behind in search of conformity (and
sometimes fame). Others stuck to their beliefs without looking at politics
from new angles. Tron was different and extraordinary. He was always looking
at political and social issues in new ways. A primary example is his book
"marxismen, vitenskap eller åpenbaringsrelgion" (marxism, science or
relevation?), but there are many others. The way he picked up interest in
the Maoist people's war in Nepal, in spite of his strong disagreements with
RIM is another, more recent example.
He was also someone interested in discusssing, listening to (and convincing)
young members. In this way many of us has gotten to know him in a different
way than more aloof or less inspired members of his generation in the
I met him las time during a brief sojourn in Oslo this winter. Although he
had health problems, he was as interesting to talk to as ever. He died far
too young and was indeed, whatever he said himself, young-minded until the
end. He will be truly missed for his contributions, on the list as well as
in real life.
All my sympathy,
as Tron would say, in "exile" in Cairo
From: Franco
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 12:25 pm
Subject: R: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I will miss him. Very sorry.
From: "Takawira"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:53 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
Really sorry to hear that.
I never met him (thought one day i would have a drink with him) but he
was a real asset, this lists greatest asset at least.
really crap news.
From: Svante
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:53 am
Subject: Re: ['spotters] Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
How horribly sad. Spotters will never be the same again. Tron, you're missed.
Another article, although with no more information than the first one:
From: "kamalmarx"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:48 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
i am speechless, my condolences to his familly, comarades and friends
From: "cepetroni"
Date: Thu May 24, 2007 11:31 am
Subject: Re: RIP: Tron Øgrim
I'm shocked. He will be missed in this list and in his organization,
I'm sure. He and I had exactly the same age, and in many respects I
could relate to many of his memoirs when he wrote them, even when we
both lived in opposites sides of the world.
I particularly enjoyed when he wrote about his father after he died
few months back.
I could not decipher the part of the article where it says how he
died. It would be good is someone could translate it. We would need
some address to send condolences as well.
Bloggar frå nær og fjern
Tim Bowron frå New Zealand skriv om Tron: "More than anything else he did and although I never met him, on a personal level I will always have to thank Tron for helping to dispel the prejudices I held several years ago as a young and somewhat doctrinaire follower of Tony Cliff that all Maoists were evil icepick-carrying Stalinist bogeymen. Through his work in the Norwegian Red Electoral Alliance, Tron also helped to create a model for the left internationally of how revolutionaries from different ideological traditions could unite and work together despite having differing views on the merits of historic figures such as Mao Zedong and Leon Trotsky. As a member of the Workers Party revolutionary regroupment in New Zealand, I feel proud that today we are following in these same footsteps."
Ida S. Jackson har ein veldig vakker tekst om Tron ute.
Det har også Arnfinn Christensen, som jobba saman med Tron om Thor Heyerdahl.
Andre bloggar: Bent Johan Mosfjell, Per Arne Godejord, Fr. Martinsen, Espen Andersen og CommunistKickback.
Ida S. Jackson har ein veldig vakker tekst om Tron ute.
Det har også Arnfinn Christensen, som jobba saman med Tron om Thor Heyerdahl.
Andre bloggar: Bent Johan Mosfjell, Per Arne Godejord, Fr. Martinsen, Espen Andersen og CommunistKickback.
fredag 25. mai 2007
Flere nekrologer
Jan Omdahl har skrivi en fin artikkel på Dagbladet.no. Han skriver om "Tron Øgrim med den ildrøde bilen som så ut som en rullende søppelkasse, den gamle skinnjakka, de tjukke konsonantene og de spissformulerte meldingene om nettet som revv'lusjon"
Rapper og tidligere Under En Stein i Skogen-fikser Don Martin har også skrivi en nekrolog. Han forteller at Tron har lært han å ikke ha buksa på hue.
Arvid Skancke-Knutsen har skrivi en liten nekrolog på det lukka nettstedet Underskog. Vi har lagt ut litt av teksten her:
Samfunnsdebattanten, politikeren, forfatteren, skribenten, internettentusiasten og blogg-pioneren Tron Øgrim døde onsdag 23. mai, bare 59 år gammel. Øgrim har satt store spor etter seg i norsk offentlighet og politikk: Ikke minst gjennom å være en viktig dynamo i oppstarten av AKP (ml). Han var grunnleggende ikke-apologetisk på vegne av det han trodde på, og blir ved sin altfor tidlige død hyllet av både meningsfeller og meningsmotstandere.
Tron Øgrim har de senere årene vært en ivrig bidragsyter til den norske delen av Wikipedia, som i går senket logoen sin på halv stang til hans ære. En gjennomgang av Øgrims liv finner alle interesserte på denne Wikipedia-lenken, som for tiden oppdateres nesten kontinuerlig. Mange påpeker at hans ur-blogg Under en stein i skogen kanskje var den første betydningsfulle bloggen i Norge —skrevet med den store entusiasmen, det sterke engasjementet og den radikale østkant-penna som lenge hadde vært Øgrims varemerke.
Øgrim spilte ellers en viktig rolle i ml-bevegelsens satsing på bl.a. forlaget Oktober, plateselskapet MAI og Klassekampen – og forandret dermed det norske kultur- og debattmiljøet på en markant måte. På godt og vondt, vil nok mange hevde, men i dag hylles mennesket Tron Øgrim også av de som var uenige med ham.
Jeg kjente ham ikke, så jeg håper at noen som er bedre egnet enn jeg vil skrive et større minneord her i skogen. Men jeg traff Tron Øgrim noen ganger: På offentlige møter, på kontoret til Musikkavisen PULS — og ikke minst som brummende og åpenbart stolt bestefar i barnehagen der sønnen min også gikk.
Rapper og tidligere Under En Stein i Skogen-fikser Don Martin har også skrivi en nekrolog. Han forteller at Tron har lært han å ikke ha buksa på hue.
Arvid Skancke-Knutsen har skrivi en liten nekrolog på det lukka nettstedet Underskog. Vi har lagt ut litt av teksten her:
Samfunnsdebattanten, politikeren, forfatteren, skribenten, internettentusiasten og blogg-pioneren Tron Øgrim døde onsdag 23. mai, bare 59 år gammel. Øgrim har satt store spor etter seg i norsk offentlighet og politikk: Ikke minst gjennom å være en viktig dynamo i oppstarten av AKP (ml). Han var grunnleggende ikke-apologetisk på vegne av det han trodde på, og blir ved sin altfor tidlige død hyllet av både meningsfeller og meningsmotstandere.
Tron Øgrim har de senere årene vært en ivrig bidragsyter til den norske delen av Wikipedia, som i går senket logoen sin på halv stang til hans ære. En gjennomgang av Øgrims liv finner alle interesserte på denne Wikipedia-lenken, som for tiden oppdateres nesten kontinuerlig. Mange påpeker at hans ur-blogg Under en stein i skogen kanskje var den første betydningsfulle bloggen i Norge —skrevet med den store entusiasmen, det sterke engasjementet og den radikale østkant-penna som lenge hadde vært Øgrims varemerke.
Øgrim spilte ellers en viktig rolle i ml-bevegelsens satsing på bl.a. forlaget Oktober, plateselskapet MAI og Klassekampen – og forandret dermed det norske kultur- og debattmiljøet på en markant måte. På godt og vondt, vil nok mange hevde, men i dag hylles mennesket Tron Øgrim også av de som var uenige med ham.
Jeg kjente ham ikke, så jeg håper at noen som er bedre egnet enn jeg vil skrive et større minneord her i skogen. Men jeg traff Tron Øgrim noen ganger: På offentlige møter, på kontoret til Musikkavisen PULS — og ikke minst som brummende og åpenbart stolt bestefar i barnehagen der sønnen min også gikk.
Beste hexer!
Christians dagbok har skrivi et lite minneord som heter TØGRIM: 1947 - 2007"TØGRIM var en kammerat åsså, både årntlig og politisk, for mange på venstresida i Norge. Å se for seg RØDT uten tøgrim ække lett (kanskje ikke engang MULIG! Som tomatsuppe UTEN makaroni!), men jeg veit at partiet hadde vært langt BLEIKERE uten ham. Han vil bli savna av folk som meiner at verden kan bli et bedre sted!"
Epostgruppa Leftist trainspotters hvor tron Øgrim (TØGRIM) var en aktiv debattant har endra beskrivelsen til "in loving memory of comrade Tron Øgrim (1947 - 2007)."
Tjen Folket har skrivi "Vi i Tjen Folket – ei marxist-leninistisk gruppe vil takke Tron for alt han har levert av bøker, innledninger og hefter. Vi kommer til å bruke disse videre for å skape flere godt skolerte kommunister som kan ta del i klassekampen i Norge på folkets side"
Arnfinns blodrøde og revolusjonære tanker har skrivi Vi skal bære fakkelen videre. "Tron var for mange av oss yngre sosialister og kommunister ei ledestjerne, det er han fortsatt."
Den noe surmaga artikkelen til Liberalist javisst minner oss ihvertfall om at Tron Øgrim ikke ville be om unnskyldning "for noe som helst", på Men unnskyldningen min får dere ikke fra Dagbla. "Og UNNSKYLD at jeg var med? Den skal jeg rope, hvis de fanger og binder meg og brekker armer og bein. Men når jeg har rømt og beina er spjelka, trekker jeg unnskyldninga tilbake igjen!"
Klassekampen redaktør Bjørgulf Braanen skriver på lederplass i dagens avis om Tron Øgrim. "Med sin rølpete, anarkistiske framtoning, som noen ganger kunne oppfattes som brutal uhøflighet, ga han ml-bevegelsen en form for artistisk, populærkulturell opprørsenergi, som gjorde den attraktiv for mange ungdommer på 1960- og 70-tallet, flasket opp som de var på Bob Dylan og amerikansk hippiekultur."
Klassekampen publiserte også Eline Lønnås tosiders artikkel La grunnlaget for ML. Hun har snakka med Pål Steigan, som sier " Da vi ble kjent, gikk vi en hel natt og kranglet om marxismen, samtidig som han leste en science fiction-bok. Da natta var over, hadde han ikke bare knust meg i diskusjonen, men også lest ut boka. Det var typisk Tron.
Det kan også være verdt å ta en ekstra titt på Wikipediaartikkelen, som har blitt forbedra betydelig i løpet av det siste døgnet.
Fransk Wikipeda, og Finsk, og svensk, og engelsk. Foreløpig ikke på Esperanto, Volapyk eller Loglan.
NRK har et lydklipp fra NRK Jon Michelet om Tron Øgrim.
For dere som ikke fikk så mye ut av gårsdagens link til under en stein i skogen, så finnes det et arkiv over artikler her.
Ellers fikk jeg dette brevet i postkassa:
"From the other side of the oceans and from a complete different
culture, we learnt how to respect and like Tron. Even when we argued
he was a sensitive human being. This said by a trotkyist of an ml is
like saying he was one of the best. I learnt from him in spite the
Being of the exactly same age than Tron was rewarding that both of us
remember sometimes the same things and political events as witnessed
from two opposite sides of the globe, and possibly from opposing
political viewpoints. With time passed was surprising how close we
were in relating to those events.
I was planning to visit him... and Norway, soon. The idea was to have
few beers together in some pub and talk few days and nights and
exchange stories.
It won't be. But I raise my glass from the distance on his memory and
his laughter, his undertanding and his knowledge.
A man like Tron I know it was surrounded by wonderful people of whom
he talked the best. To them, to his daughter, mother, sister and the
rest of the family and all his comrades and friends:
Carlos Petroni
Tron Øgrim, Pål Steigan, en tolk og en gammal kineser.

Tjen Folket har skrivi "Vi i Tjen Folket – ei marxist-leninistisk gruppe vil takke Tron for alt han har levert av bøker, innledninger og hefter. Vi kommer til å bruke disse videre for å skape flere godt skolerte kommunister som kan ta del i klassekampen i Norge på folkets side"
Arnfinns blodrøde og revolusjonære tanker har skrivi Vi skal bære fakkelen videre. "Tron var for mange av oss yngre sosialister og kommunister ei ledestjerne, det er han fortsatt."
Den noe surmaga artikkelen til Liberalist javisst minner oss ihvertfall om at Tron Øgrim ikke ville be om unnskyldning "for noe som helst", på Men unnskyldningen min får dere ikke fra Dagbla. "Og UNNSKYLD at jeg var med? Den skal jeg rope, hvis de fanger og binder meg og brekker armer og bein. Men når jeg har rømt og beina er spjelka, trekker jeg unnskyldninga tilbake igjen!"
Klassekampen redaktør Bjørgulf Braanen skriver på lederplass i dagens avis om Tron Øgrim. "Med sin rølpete, anarkistiske framtoning, som noen ganger kunne oppfattes som brutal uhøflighet, ga han ml-bevegelsen en form for artistisk, populærkulturell opprørsenergi, som gjorde den attraktiv for mange ungdommer på 1960- og 70-tallet, flasket opp som de var på Bob Dylan og amerikansk hippiekultur."
Klassekampen publiserte også Eline Lønnås tosiders artikkel La grunnlaget for ML. Hun har snakka med Pål Steigan, som sier " Da vi ble kjent, gikk vi en hel natt og kranglet om marxismen, samtidig som han leste en science fiction-bok. Da natta var over, hadde han ikke bare knust meg i diskusjonen, men også lest ut boka. Det var typisk Tron.
Det kan også være verdt å ta en ekstra titt på Wikipediaartikkelen, som har blitt forbedra betydelig i løpet av det siste døgnet.
Fransk Wikipeda, og Finsk, og svensk, og engelsk. Foreløpig ikke på Esperanto, Volapyk eller Loglan.
NRK har et lydklipp fra NRK Jon Michelet om Tron Øgrim.
For dere som ikke fikk så mye ut av gårsdagens link til under en stein i skogen, så finnes det et arkiv over artikler her.
Ellers fikk jeg dette brevet i postkassa:
"From the other side of the oceans and from a complete different
culture, we learnt how to respect and like Tron. Even when we argued
he was a sensitive human being. This said by a trotkyist of an ml is
like saying he was one of the best. I learnt from him in spite the
Being of the exactly same age than Tron was rewarding that both of us
remember sometimes the same things and political events as witnessed
from two opposite sides of the globe, and possibly from opposing
political viewpoints. With time passed was surprising how close we
were in relating to those events.
I was planning to visit him... and Norway, soon. The idea was to have
few beers together in some pub and talk few days and nights and
exchange stories.
It won't be. But I raise my glass from the distance on his memory and
his laughter, his undertanding and his knowledge.
A man like Tron I know it was surrounded by wonderful people of whom
he talked the best. To them, to his daughter, mother, sister and the
rest of the family and all his comrades and friends:
Carlos Petroni
Tron Øgrim, Pål Steigan, en tolk og en gammal kineser.

torsdag 24. mai 2007
Tron Øgrim er død

Tron Øgrim var en aktiv skribent på Wikipedia, spesielt når det gjelder Nepal og kommunismen i Nepal. Wikipedia markerer bortgangen med flagget på halv stang på forsida. Bildet er gjenngitt ovenfor.
Wikipedia-artikkelen Tron Øgrim.
Tron Øgrim skreiv i PC World, og fagredaktør Toralv Østvang har skrivi en nekrolog du kan lese her. "en mer engasjert og mer engasjerende kommentarskribent enn Tron Øgrim vil PC World Norge aldri få. På vegne av både redaksjonen og leserne takker vi for det utvidede perspektivet som Tron Øgrim ga oss alle."
Torstein Dahles nekrolog kan du lese på Rødt sine websider her. "Tron prøvde å bruke livet sitt sånn at han kunne bidra mest mulig til menneskehetens frigjøring fra kapitalisme og imperialisme, og han klarte å levere et stort, stort bidrag"
Østlandssendinga har gjort et intervju med Pål Steigan her, og det ligger også en lydfil Karismatisk og kunnskapstørst. " Tron var ofte den som var først ut med nye idéer. Han kom på å lage en månedsavis som han skulle kalle Klassekampen. Etter litt krangling ble vi enige om innholdet og første utgave kom i februar 69, forteller Steigan"
Den høyreorienterte bloggeren Vampus har posta et personlig møte med Tron Øgrim på bloggen sin her. "Commien og kverrulanten vil bli savnet."
På Bibliotekarens Blogg heter det "det er ingen vits i å si “vil i fred” for det tror jeg neppe han gjør. Uansett hvor han havner så blir det nok ganske mye styr."
Jimmi Higgins skriver en lang bloggpost i annledning Trons død her. "I first titled this Tron Øgrim, RIP, but that's really the Latin phrase "Requiescat In Pace" (Rest in Peace). Tron was neither a big personal fan of resting, nor, as a pretty hard-boiled materialist, did he believe in an afterlife, even one resembling a deep, quiet nap."
Tron Øgrims artikler om data og internett finnes på den nå lett kaotiske websida under en stein i skogen, som av noen er omtalt som norges første blogg.
Dette bildet er fra en demonstrasjon mot en av USAs forrige invasjoner, og Tron Øgrim er til venstre.

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